contentID?: bigintPotentially redacted content ID of this POD. The proof confirms that this is computed properly.
entries?: PODEntriesRedacted set of PODEntries only for the entries revealed by proof configuration. When the proof is verified, these entries are also verified, while the POD's other entries remain hidden.
Note that PODValues are represented in GPC circuits as a single number
and/or hash. Values of different types can be considered identical if
they are numerically equal, or hash in the same way. E.g. an int
value are considered the same if their value is equal.
signerPotentially redacted EdDSA public key of the issuer of this POD. The proof confirms that the POD has a valid signature under this key.
Generated using TypeDoc
The part of GPCRevealedClaims claims relating to a single POD object.